Support Ukraine Now!

Support Ukraine Now!

NATO Must Act in Ukraine NOW!

Petition is addressed to: NATO nations

People from around the world call on the NATO nations to embrace their historical mission to protect the future of the free world by taking ACTION in Ukraine NOW. NATO must show resolve to stop humanitarian catastrophe caused by Russia's genocidal war.
Recognize Actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine as Genocide

Petition is addressed to: US State Department

Putin is trying to wipe Ukraine and the Ukrainian people off the map because they refused to join his "Russian World". Let's demand that the U.S. State Department recognize that the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine constitute genocide and state terrorism and take action to stop it.
Ukraine’s Cause Is Our Cause Too!

Petition is addressed to: German Chan­cel­lor

Ukraine is fighting for security and the democratic future of Europe. Support Ukraine by rapidly equipping Ukraine with all the weapons it needs to repel the Russian invasion; by imposing embargo on Russian energy; by opening a binding prospect of accession to the European Union for Ukraine.
Put Putin on Trial

Petition is addressed to: World leaders

Hold Putin and his accomplices accountable for their illegal invasion of Ukraine by creating a new Special Tribunal for the punishment of the crime of aggression. Support the International Criminal Court’s investigation into Russian war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine. There will never be peace without accountability.
Expel Russia from the FATF and Add it to the FATF’s “Black List”

Petition is addressed to: Financial Action Task Force

The Financial Action Task Force – as the key international body responsible for fighting money laundering and terrorist financing – should take decisive and immediate steps in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.


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